twin towers

Sunday, August 21, 2011

REd Eye

     "Forgot to tell u this: last night as I was putting her to bed she askd me if I was going to die someday. To say I was caught off guard is an understatement. I told her not for a verrrrrrrry long time and then she said "so then what?". Through my tears I found so much peace in being able to tell her that Heavenly Father makes it so that even after we die we will always be together so it is nothing to be sad about. The best part is that this was enough of an answer for her - she knew it was true. I love the thought of our four-person bubble forever :) lvz". This text from my wife has been echoing for days.... For obvious reasons, it makes me very happy and I enjoy the sound. On the other hand, it brings me to tears. I miss my kids and wife. For me, this is the hardest part of Ridefor9-11. When all is said and done, we will have sacrificed for those that have sacrificed.
        Saint Louis, MO in a small nutshell= Atomic Cowboy, unwinding friends, ice water, haunted houses, haunted people, 1800's architecture, zucchini salad, summer peach salad, The Mud House, graffiti, rail cars and their tracks, Mississippi River, rain swimming, rain running, pesto sea crackers, pears, shirtless, prostitute, black-tar heroin, "Buenos Dias", Vega Health Optimizer, macca, Cherokee, Foam, Metro, rainbow flags, slaves, Mia, es, Sulard, Lemp's  basements.
       I will remember tonight for as long as my heart beats. Occasionally, I find myself staring... disconnected... silent... completely removed from that which surrounds me. We were, in fact, in the presence of Achim Heukemes. Achim thought I was Frank Zappa and I thought he was, indeed, Jesus. On the wall behind him, hung a photograph of a firefighter rescuing a child from a burning building. I adore moments such as these. They make me feel very small. I will never accomplish what AchimHeukemes will... and I may never make a rescue like that one... and I certainly will never be mistaken for Jesus.... But, I will remember the silence.
         I'm not sure of tomorrow's route..  and I'm not sure I care. I will be riding for my teammates/brothers. I've always liked the half-way-point.... the Earth seems to tilt downhill from there. I'm grateful for this experience. At the end of the day, I will have hopefully learned. I'm excited for every one's progress, both physically and socially.

1 comment:

  1. Your writings are a work of art just as your ride is a work of passion.
