twin towers

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pre-ride thoughts

    Lately,  many people have asked me about my preparation for ridefor9-11. They ask about my training and nutrition. A few have asked about routes and logistics. These questions and concerns are great for me because they seem to make me question myself a bit. The honest truth is, I don't have many of the answers. Answering questions about "preparation" has always been tough for me, as I tend to not prepare for much. I simply make choices and commitments and kinda see what happens. This is not new to me.
     The last few weeks have been great for me in the sense that I've been able to focus on smaller things. I've been trying to get to a place where things are easy and make sense to me. Usually, this includes weeding out a lot of things that I don't need. As I do this, I begin to notice more of my surroundings. It's so much easier to figure out what truly makes me happy.
      A few days ago, I was reminded of the Pacific ocean and it's smell. While riding my bike to work, I thought about the importance of navigation through the dark. I've always been fascinated by the relationship between ships and lighthouses. While riding home from work, I had a momma deer speak to me through her eyes. She made me feel like I have some things figured out. I am so excited to help raise money for "people" that have given everything. In fact, I have become passionate about the opportunity to give.
      I have done my best to be with my family lately. The thought of being without them for 45 days brings me to actual tears. The longest period of time my wife and I have been apart is four days. This part of the ride could possibly be the harder part. I hope it is. I've tried to let my wife know how special she is. Today, I was asked what my wife thinks of the ride. I found it very difficult to answer this question as well. I told my fire Chief that she is special and gets it. I think the part she understands the most is that sometimes we need to sacrifice and learn to give ourselves to things we believe in. I'm confident she will in some strange ways, learn as well. I absolutely love her. I've tried to think of ways to help my kids understand what's about to happen. I'm sure we will get Ayla a map of the USA and have her follow us by moving a pin (or piece of candy) across it each day. I've tried to squeeze Malloy hard enough with hopes that he'll remember the pressure of the hug. Some sort of "love pressure" thing. I'm pretty sure nothing I do will make it any better and they are probably too young to really understand. BUT.... I do think of those men and women that are no longer with us and no longer able to give maps and hugs like this. I pray my kids understand this one day.
        My family has been amazing! At first, I tried to raise money by going to major corporations and businesses asking for them to donate. I quickly learned that this does not typically work as I do not "know" anyone. I think you need some serious "connections" to get donations from them. Needless to say, we learned that smaller is actually better. Quality is always better than quantity. My family baked for three days to hold a bake sale at my sister's house. I can't think of anything more grass roots than this. It reminded me of my paper route when I was 12. The sale was a huge success. I think the best part is, my family and friends seem to come away from it with a deep connection to Ridefor9-11. I'm pretty sure they felt and will continue to feel blessed. My family is strong. We like each other. We are blessed.
        I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna eat on this ride. I do know that I have some bars, some treats, some nuts, and some stuff to drink. My parents made some bomb granola! My mom has worked super hard to get local stores to donate food and has been successful. That's what mom's do, i guess. Other than that.... I don't have a plan. How is someone supposed to eat 6,000 cal. daily? I'm not sure because I've never done it. I will learn though by paying close attention to my body. I've gotten pretty good at this.
        Tomorrow is our last team meeting. I've down-loaded enough music. I'll be making a few more bike adjustments. I'll have my last San Vicente run down into Venice for a while. I'll have my wife's vegan cooking one last time. Things are gonna be weird for bit. I cannot wait to experience this great country. I cannot wait to share with people. My heart is humble. My mind cannot wait.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Scottie!! You're an amazing man and have an incredible family! Casey is definitely the ying to your yang! Please tell her to call me if she needs anything while you're away - 310-850-6828. I'd love to help in any way I can. Good luck. I look forward to watching your journey! XO
